Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Pat's Departure

Pat P. is leaving the office today and heading down the road for the lower 48. We wish her well and godspeed on her journey and new life when she gets to her new destination. She has promised to send updates to be posted here on this blog. Points of interest, problems, irritants etc. We hope Rhea's trip and now Pat's trip will be useful insights for future travelers through the worm hole to the motherland. more to come...

Monday, July 16, 2007

Pending Departures

There are two pending departures from JPO during the remainder of this summer. Pat P. is planning her departure for points south. The next up and coming retirement is that of Dave Perez, presumably near the end of the summer. Updates will be provided as appropriate.

Friday, July 6, 2007

New Alcan Traveler

We have a new Alcan traveler known only as Pat P. at this stage, preparing to journey down the highway this summer sometime.
Now that Rhea has paved the way with her adventure and cataloged some of her findings, the next person to venture forth will be ready for the rough stretch between Tok and Whitehorse.
This blog is capable of accepting comments from the readership if any are out there in blogoland.
more later...

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Rhea's Celebration

At this time Rhea & husband have found a friendly place to stay in the Gig Harbor area.
They are taking some time off from driving and enjoying the ambiance of the area and 4th of July festivities. She said their boat trailer started out with new tires but have taken a beating and are hoping to make it to their ultimate destination safely.

Happy 4th to one and all.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Zoological Paradise

On 6/29/07, Rhea encountered had several close calls with bison, sheep, deer, caribou running across the road. They made it to Prince George by 6/30/07. The tarp on their boat disintegrated. They saw more bears than they could count. They stayed at the Lakeview suites in Fort Nelson, and then the Sheraton in Prince George. The stretch between Tok and Whitehorse was a bit rough what with frost heaves, construction and broken pavement. They will be continuing onto Gig Harbor by 7/2/07. Sounded like Rhea had a great trip down.
Bon Voyage Rhea.